Thursday, 27 October 2011

Pre-Christmas Rush

Well, it's clear that it's nearly Christmas. I haven't stopped for days.
I have to make 8 padded name banners, a couple of towelling things and 2 bags. Loving it though because I had doubts it would ever get going. (self doubt creeping in again)
Here's the first of the name banners cut and ready to sew. I'm rather pleased with it so far.
I must also get on with my own Christmas things to. Decorations for 2 friends and a bag for my Mum. 
That sewing maching is calling again. Must go.

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Bags of Style!

Well, this is what I've been up to. Making a bag for a friend to give as a gift and making modern and stylish Tree Decorations for Christmas. I'm all sewn out now so I'm off to bed.

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Revisiting Bucket Bag Madness!

Love them or hate them, I have another order for one. 
Yes, another order for my 1950s style bucket bag. (I must get some Oil Cloth and give it a trial run using that.) It's a great bag and is so roomy. It makes an excellent tote bag! But for now...It is definitely bedtime! 

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

What a grey day!

It's cold and dull outside and I am struggling with the idea of going to buy more fabric or bundling up with a coffee and watching nonsense on the tv. No, no! I must resist and begin my new orders. I wanted to start selling and I got certainly got my wish!

Christmas orders are coming in and I'm now beginning to see referals and repeat orders too. Oh, and I finally got onto the Norwich circuit of Craft Fayres!

Well, this wont bring home the bacon. I'm off to get fabric and zips. See you later. Oh and if you get a chance, take a look at for beautiful cupcakes made in heaven...well, Caister anyway!

Monday, 10 October 2011

Name Bunting

Here they are. Finally finished and all ready to send to their new home.

I am really pleased with these and can't wait to hear feedback.

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Autumn Fayre

I am in the process of making commissioned Christmas decorations, Girls Name Bunting and getting ready for a Craft Fayre in Norwich (I've been trying to get on the Norwich circuit for some time) 

I am surrounded by nappies, toys, facecloths, soaps, fabric and sequins in my attempt to keep all my plates spinning!

Come and see me at 
The Autumn Fayre
St Matthews Church
Telegraph Lane West
Thorpe Hamlet

Saturday 15th October

I'll be organised by then!

See you there

Monday, 3 October 2011

More Christmas Crackers

This one is the result of a 'middle of the night' brainwave!

Are you spending Christmas without a special loved one. Perhaps they live far away or are no longer with you.
Why not have their photograph made into a Patchwork Christmas Tree Bauble. All you need to do is choose your colour scheme and email your chosen photo to me and for £2.50 + p&p of 75p you will receive a lovely stylised tree bauble. 
Email your chosen photograph to You can pay using paypal using this email too.