Saturday, 24 December 2011

Christmas Eve

Here I sit. My legs almost worn to little nubs and my poor head swimming. I have finished all my prep and am now drinking DiSaronno and ice...yummy Happy Christmas to all and to all a goodnight!!!

Monday, 19 December 2011

Last Orders!

It's nearly time for the big fella in the red suit to come down your chimney, or wherever he might be able to gain his yearly entry!
Last orders at Uniquely Gifted.
I have worked my poor fingers to the bone making up gifts and bags for customers and really must say a huge thank you to Break for selling my stuff and doing such a very good job of it.
What a strange year. I started in one job, left that and also set up my own small business. I don't quite know how that happened but here we are.
Thanks to all my customers and Merry Christmas to you all and a very happy and prosperous New Year.

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Charity and Me!

I know, I know. Before you say anything let me explain that I'm older, wiser and considerably more ethically minded than I was once upon a long time ago.

I popped into the local Neighbourhood Office way back in June to see if they were doing any fundraising and if so could I donate some of my work. It turned out that they don't do fundraising but that they would give me a table at their Summer Fayre.
Along I went with all my work in bags and boxes and the manager saw my Wedding Cake Towel Bale and ordered one. The treasurer ordered Cupcake socks for his partners Father's party. I filled both of these orders and thought no more of it.

A few weeks ago I got an email from The treasurers partner who, as it happened, worked at a Charity called Break. She was asking me if I'd like to become involved with them and be promoted by them in return for a small donation.

Too good to be true? Not at all! It's all in the process of being set up and I am donating 10% of sales to the Charity.

I cannot believe my good fortune and their kind offer.

Thank you Break. I hope for a long and prosperous journey together.