Saturday, 11 February 2012

Holly...but it's not Christmas!

This is the pretty name banner I made for 'Holly' muted holly colours give it the look of holly but with none of the Christmas feeling. Great for a young girls long as she's called Holly!

Friday, 10 February 2012

You Never Know Do You!

Amazed as I was to receive lots of orders in January for Nappy Cakes and Name Banners, imaging my surprise when the orders keep coming during the very quiet month of Febrary!
I should have faith in my own things but because I am always so doubtful of my own ability I don't seem to get over it.
Others tell me my things are great...maybe I should believe them!

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Hit the ground running!

Thanks to my customers both new and returning I have definitely hit the ground running in this the first month of 2012.

I have had lots of orders many for bespoke items (my favourite kind)

I hope everyone is pleased with the finished article and that they all return soon.

Saturday, 7 January 2012

Paper for Kindling!

No it's not really paper! This Kindle Bag has been made for a man and by using this lovely Newsprint Duck Fabric it has a look perfect for any man to carry.

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Happy New Year

Fabulous Christmas day spent with family and friends and I didn't even have to cook!

I hope your Christmas was great too. As for Boxing day onward! I was so poorly after having every virus I could possibly get. Oh well, all better now (nearly).

Happy New Year to customers old and new. Thank you for supporting me in my first trading year and here's to the next.